Tuesday 17 July 2012

DSC matrial Sarojini Naidu's poems part-1

About the Poet :

Sarojini Naidu
1.  She was born on 13th February and died on 2nd March 1949.
2. She is also known as Nightingale of India,
3. She was a child prodigy.
4. Her father was Aghoranath Chattopadhyaya a noted scientist and philosopher.
5. Her mother was Barada Sundari Devi a Bengali poet.
6. Her father was the founder of the Nizam College which is in Hyderabad affiliated to Osmania University.
7. In matriculation exam she stood first in Madras University when she was twelve years old.
8. She received Nizam’s scholarship to study abroad.
9. She was much interested in writing poetry but her father’s wish was to make her a mathematician.
10. Edmond Gosse in London encouraged her to use Indian themes in her poetry.
11. At the age of 19 she married Dr. Govindarajulu a doctor by profession.  It was a inter caste marriage which was fully supported by her father.
12. She strived for the women’s rights within India; she joined the freedom movement during partition of Bengal.
13. She was the first woman to become the president of Indian National congress and presided over the annual congress of Indian National Congress in 1925 in Kanpur.
14. She was also the first woman governor for a state (Uttar Pradesh) in independent India.
15. She spent 21 months in jail with Gandhiji during 1942 Quit India Movement (Bharath Chodo Andolan).
16. She was very close to Gandhiji and used to call him ‘Mickey Mouse’.
17. She is also considered as the forerunner of Indian Feminism.

 Works by Sarojini Naidu

The Golden Threshold ( 1905)  -  it is published in UK
The Bird of Time: Songs of Life, Death & the Spring,( 1912)  - it is  published in UK
 The Broken Wing: Songs of Love, Death and the Spring, including "The Gift of India" (1917)
 Muhammad Jinnah: An Ambassador of Unity ( 1916)
The Sceptred Flute: Songs of India, ( 1943)-it was posthumously published
The Feather of the Dawn,(1961): it was posthumously published.

The poem: Bangle Sellers

Bangle sellers are we who bear
Our shining loads to the temple fair…
Who will buy these delicate, bright
Rainbow-tinted circles of light?
Lustrous tokens of radiant lives,
For happy daughters and happy wives.

Some are meet for a maiden’s wrist,
Silver and blue as the mountain mist,
Some are flushed like the buds that dream
On the tranquil brow of a woodland stream,
Some are aglow with the bloom that cleaves
To the limpid glory of new born leaves

Some are like fields of sunlit corn,
Meet for a bride on her bridal morn,
Some, like the flame of her marriage fire,
Or, rich with the hue of her heart’s desire,
Tinkling, luminous, tender, and clear,
Like her bridal laughter and bridal tear.

Some are purple and gold flecked grey
For she who has journeyed through life midway,
Whose hands have cherished, whose love has blest,
And cradled fair sons on her faithful breast,
And serves her household in fruitful pride,
And worships the gods at her husband’s side.

Synonyms and Antonyms:
Fair : festival, carnival, celebration, gala (Antonyms : dismay, mourn, grieve, bewail )
Rainbow tinted : colored with the colors present in the Rainbow.
Circles of light : Bangles, shining bangles
Lustrous : Shiny, glossy, radiant, full of colors, (Antonyms : dark, gloom, dimness, murk)
Tokens : symbols, voucher, indications
Radiant : bright, happy, shining, glowing ( Antonyms : Gloomy, depressing, boring)
Maiden : unmarried woman
Mist : haze, fog, vapor, smog ( antonyms : clear, bright, clysters )
Flush : going red, color, glow ( Antonyms : Pale, dim, dull, shady)
Tranquil: calm, serene, peaceful ( Antonyms : raucous, noisy, disturbed, whirlwind)
Brow : summit, top, pinnacle ( Antonyms : base, down, foot, pedestal)
Woodland stream : the flow of water(rivulet) through the forest.
Aglow: glowing, shining, radiant, bright, gleaming lustrous ( Antonyms : dull, boring, tedious, monotonous)
Bloom : blossom, flower, bud, flourish ( Antonyms : wither, nullify, pestilence)
cleave : slice, cut, hew, smite ( Antonyms : attach, full, continuous, unified, integrated, amalgamated)
limpid : clear, transparent, lucid, plain, plain  ( Antonyms : opaque, dense, thick, obscure, vague)
sunlit :
bridal morn :
Hue: shade tone, color, tinge, trace ( Antonyms : discolor, tarnish, bleach)
Tinkling: ring, dingle, jingle ( Antonyms : silence, calm, quite)
Tender: fond, loving, affectionate, delicate, warm ( Antonyms : avert, hate, dislike, abhor, odium, disgust)
Purple: lavender, violet, plum
gold flecked : marked or dotted with gold or gold color
Cherished: appreciated, esteemed, valued, honored(Antonyms : disrespect, disregard, ignore, overlook)
Blest: a past tense and past participle of BLESS
Cradle : support, hold, embrace, carry, sustain, clasp ( Antonyms :  ignore, disregard, leave, put down,  throw ,)

Fair: light, glow, luminosity, illumination, (Antonyms : dark, dim, murky, sinister, weak, faint)

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