Friday 20 July 2012

DSC Material - PB Shelly's Poem -The Cloud - Part 1

Percy Bysshe Shelley (Born on 4 the August 1792 –Died on 8th July 1822)
Apart from Wordsworth, Coleridge, John Keats and Lord Byron; P B Shelly was also a  major English Romantic poets
The novelist Mary Shelley  was his second wife.
He is most famous for such classic verse works as Ozymandias, Ode to the West Wind, To a Skylark, Music, When Soft Voices Die, The Cloud
 The Masque of Anarchy, Queen Mab (it is also named as The Daemon of the World),
 Alastor, The Revolt of Islam, Adonaïs
The Triumph of Life – it is a unfinished work.
Famous dramatic plays areThe Cenci (1819) – it is with five acts and Prometheus Unbound (1820)- it is with four acts..
He wrote the Gothic novels Zastrozzi (1810) and St. Irvyne (1811) and the short prose works "The Assassins" (1814), "The Coliseum" (1817) and "Una Favola" (1819). In 2008, he was credited as the co-author of the novel Frankenstein (1818) in a new edition by the Bodleian Library in Oxford and Random House in the U.S. entitled The Original Frankenstein, edited by Charles E. Robinson.[3][4][5]
Radical nature of Shelly and his idealism made mark Twain write ‘in Defense of Harriet Shelly  attacking him for abondoning his pregnant wife and eloping iwth 16 year old Mary Gadwin.
He became a mentor  to many Victorian and Pre-Raphaelite poets. He was admired by Oscar Wilde, Thomas Hardy, George Bernard Shaw, , William Butler Yeats,
Shelly’s non violence resistance and his political thought is said to have influenced Mahatma Gandhi.
Major works
The Wandering Jew (1810) (published 1877) [57]
 Zastrozzi – it is a Gothic Novel(1810)
 Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson1810: Being Poems Found Amongst the Papers of That Noted Female Who Attempted the Life of the King in 1786
 Mont Blanc1816
 The Revolt of Islam, A Poem, in Twelve Cantos
 History of a Six Weeks' Tour through a part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland (with Mary Shelley)1817
 Ozymandias (text)1818
 The Cenci, A Tragedy, in Five Acts1819
 A Philosophical View of Reform 1819) (published in 1920)
 Julian and Maddalo: A Conversation1819)
 Prometheus Unbound, A Lyrical Drama, in Four Acts(1820)
 To a Skylark(1820)
 The Cloud(1820)
 Oedipus Tyrannus; Or, Swellfoot The Tyrant: A Tragedy in Two Acts(1820)
 The Witch of Atlas (published in 1824) (1820)
 Hellas, A Lyrical Drama(1821
 Ion by Plato, translation from Greek into English(1821
 A Defence of Poetry (1821 (first published in 1840)
 The Triumph of Life1822 (unfinished, published in 1824)
"The Assassins, A Fragment of a Romance" (1814)
"The Coliseum, A Fragment" (1817)
"The Elysian Fields: A Lucianic Fragment"
·         Poetical Essay on the Existing State of Things (1811)
·         The Necessity of Atheism- It is caused expulsion from University (1811)
·         Declaration of Rights (1812)
·         A Letter to Lord Ellenborough (1812)
·         A Defence of Poetry
·         On the Vegetable System of Diet (1814–1815)
·         On Love (1818)
·         On Life (1815)
·         On a Future State (1815)
·         On The Punishment of Death
·         Speculations on Metaphysics
·         Speculations on Morals
·         On Christianity
·         On the Literature, the Arts and the Manners of the Athenians
·         On The Symposium, or Preface to The Banquet Of Plato
·         On Friendship
·         On Frankenstein
Collaborations with Mary Shelley
·         (1817) History of a Six Weeks' Tour
·         (1820) Proserpine
·         (1820) Midas

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