Monday 16 July 2012


About the Author

Isaac Asimov
1.  Asimov was born on 2nd January 1920 and died on 6th April 1992. His first name was Eyzik Yudovitš Asimov.
2. He was an american author and Professor of Bio Chemistry at Boston University
3. His works can be catogerised as works belongs to Science Fiction, and works belongs to Popul;ar Science.
4. His published his works on Dewy Decimal System.
5. He is considered on amont Big Three in American Science fiction , besidesRobert A. Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke .
6. Asimov's most famous work is the Foundation Series;[5] his other major series are the Galactic Empire series and the Robot series
7. Asimov used  ‘ Paul French’ as his pen name. With his pen name he wrote novels and sicne fiction like Lucky star series.
8. His most famous works are  the Foundation series (1942-1950), the Robot Series ( 1945-50),
 The Empire Series ( 1950-52).

Excerpts from the Essay :
1.      If muscles are not used much, they get flabby, and that’s true for the brain too.
2.      There will be many times as many jobs coming into being as are destroyed.
3.      If we are going to have a large changeover in types of jobs, there will have to be a careful program  of retaining and reeducation for people with old-style jobs.
4.      In this way, we may end up with two kinds of intelligence on earth, two entirely different kinds.

Summary of the Essay:
1.  The author describes the Robots and their artificial intelligence which makes them competent for doing different jobs.
2. He differentiates two types of intelligence, one is artificial and natural.
3. Robots are helpful in doing dangerous jobs and the jobs which are boring to men.
4. Authors thinks that fear of unemployment slows down the research work on robots.
5. Asimov says that fear of losing jobs is unnecessary when it is involved with inventions.
6. Taking automobile industry as an example Asimov states that it may lead to lose of jobs but in another way it opens the door where more jobs can be created.
7. in Asimov’s opinion world is under transition, we must be careful in employing our innovative technology.
8. Essay is with brief discussion on human intelligence and robotic intelligence.  Human intelligence is full of creativity and imaginations whereas robotic intelligence is limited to perform monotonic, mechanical jobs including those engage mathematical calculations.
9. author sounds alarm ; if the roles of artificial intelligence of robots and natural intelligence of human beings is reversed that can beckon disastrous consequences.
10. Author advises that two intelligences must be kept apart.

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