Tuesday 7 August 2012

A Nation's Strength by Emerson Part-III

Synonyms and Antonyms

Mighty : Streanght, Stamina, Power, Authority (Antonyms: Weakness, hapless)
Defy : Thwart, Confront, face boldly, nullify , resist, refuse (Antonyms :  accept, submit)
Foes : Enemy, opponent (Antonyms : Friend, dear one)
Throng : Mob, Group, gathering ( Antonym: single, sparse)
Shaft : base, support
Abiding : Supporting, attaching, including ( Antonym : unsupportive, excluding, free)
Glory : Respect, greatness ( Antonyms: Defame, vainglorious, disrespect)
Decay : Destruction, withering, diminish, reduction ( Antonym: Growth, development, surge)
Struck : Beat, bang, punch
Luster : Shine, brightness, twinkle, gloss ( Antonyms : lackluster, dim, apathy, dark)
Dare : Venture, act boldly, shun fear ( Antonym : coward, fearful, hesitation)

Appreciation of the poem :

1.      Poem starts with rhetorical question.  Rhetoric question is a question posed by the author not to receive any answer from the audience but he poses the question to intensify the poetic thought.

2.      Poet is asking question what would be the reasons behind a nation’s strength and power.

3.      In second stanza poet himself tries to offer answer but he declares that is not the reason for a nation’s strength. Gold is metaphorically used to represent the material wealth of a nation. Material wealth is compared to sinking sand where foundation would not be strong.  Author here gives a hint for the answer indicating abiding rock.

4.      In the third stanza sword is a metaphor used to represent the military power of a nation, and ‘red dust’ represent battles fought, too much bloodshed caused the stones (foundations) to rust.

5.      In fourth stanza pride is compared with bright crown, and God is against the pride because based on biblical truth Pride is the sin which is the reason for the archangel Lucifer’s fall from heaven.

6.      The Answer starts rolling down from fifth stanza to sixth stanza to the questions posed in the preceding stanzas. People represent entire nation, men and women who can withstand hardships and can suffer long for sake of truth and honor will make a nation strong.

7.      In the final stanza the pillar is used for the second time only after it is used in the first line of the first stanza. It is used metaphorically for the nation’s foundation moreoverit is concluding the reason and giving the answers to the questions which are posed in the initial stanzas.

8.      Images of foes thronging, passing kingdoms, and rusted rocks all together intensify poetic effect.

9.      Poem has the rhyme scheme of ab-ab (high-strong: defy-throng)etc., in every stanza first and third lines, second and fourth lines are rhyming each other. It gives lyrical melody to the poem.

10.  Simple and lucid (Clear) diction (Poetic Language) gives a musical flow to the poetic thought.

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